"Sparrow" Trainer Detailed Features
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"Sparrow" Trainer Features

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See All The R and M "Sparrow" Trainer Has To Offer!

The R and M "Sparrow" Trainer has tons to offer, in one complete package. From prop to tail, you'll find we've included all the finest quality materials, direct from our workshop to you!

Each "Sparrow" Trainer is hand-cut and constructed as follows:
-All wood construction, including the finest quality balsa, light plywood, and spruce
-Real dowel pushrods to eliminate flexing and change in trim due to temperature-induced contraction and expansion
-A thick, flat-bottomed airfoil for stable slow flight characteristics
-Real metal clevises for durability
-Quality name-brand hardware and fittings
The "Sparrow" offers the following mechanical features:
-An OS .46 LA series engine, one of the finest small sport engines available today
-Engine is exposed for easy adjustment, cleaning, and visual inspection
-Large 10 oz. fuel tank for extended flight times
-Fuel filter
-Removeable fuel compartment hatch
-Tricycle landing gear

The "Sparrow" Trainer is completely set up with a radio system as follows:
-A Futaba SkySport 4VF four-channel transmitter, a beginner-friendly radio with trainer system compatibility, with NiCds and dual charger
-Futaba servos fully installed and operational